This is my portfolio, enjoy! :-)
With over fifteen years experience in software development and architecture, worked with complex and large scale applications, Microservices architecture, big corporate systems, enteprise applications, high performance/throughput systems
Languages .NET Framework .NET Core / C# Python
Databases SQL Server PostgreSql MySql
NoSQL Redis MongoDb DynamoDb
Cloud Azure AWS Google Cloud
APIs Rest APIs GraphQL gRPC / Protobuf
Architecture Microservices API Gateway Service Discovery
MessageQueue Apache ActiveMQ RabbitMQ / Masstransit MQTT / CloudAMQP
Principles S.O.L.I.D Principles D.R.Y K.I.S.S
SourceControl Git Tfs Svn
CD/CI Azure DevOps Team City Vsts
Project Management Azude Boards Jira Trello
FrontEnd HTML / CSS Javascript Blazor
Frameworks Microsoft Orleans PostGraphile -